Official Noting And Drafting

Noting secretariat.1.OFFICIALNOTING.1. Definition of a note.3. When note is required.4. When note is not required.5. Requirement of a note.6. Objective of a note.7. Advantages of noting.8.

Structure of a note: a) First Part b) Second Part c) Third Part9. Good noting.10.

Bad noting.11. Checks and counter checks.INTRODUCTION Note is the minutes recorded on the noteportion of the file to settle a matter whileremaining in the framework of Rules andRegulations. A note is initiated usually by agrade 17 Officer in the Federal secretariat onfile describing the case which is underconsideration.

Two or three alternatives can beproposed to settle the issue. In other words, anote is a statement of facts describing the issueunder consideration, suggesting course ofaction to reach a decision.DEFINITION A note means an officers views inwriting on a file within a prescribedprocedural framework to facilitate thehigh ups to decide the case underconsideration.WHEN NOTING IS REQUIRED Whenever a condition arises that a matter is to be decided by Senior Officer, a note is recorded infile. It is always prepared within certain proceduralframework such as: i) It should clearly state the pointunder consideration. Ii) Brief background of the case may also be given in order to highlight the facts ofthe case.iii) Mis-statement of facts, if any,should also be pointed outwhile writing a note.iv) After a brief description of thefacts of the case, the Rules /Regulations that are applicable in thecase under consideration arementioned. A copy of the relevantRules is often placed in thecorrespondence portion.v) Relevant precedents may also be quoted, if available.

Vi) In the final portion of a note, the points for decisions are highlighted again and course of action is suggested. In thisregard you may propose a fewalternates and suggest the bestcourse of action.WHEN NOTING IS NOT REQUIRED No noting is required when the officerhimself is competent to dispose of a matterunder certain clear cut instructions, ordersor delegated powers. Similarly when a case is already decidedby a senior officer and he has asked for a draftreply, the noting is not required unless there isany point which has been escaped from thenotice of the senior officer.REQUIREMENT OF ANOTE 1. All notes are written on thenote sheet and no note should be recorded on the receipt itself.2.

If a higher officer has given someminutes on the receipt, these shouldbe copied out on the note sheetbefore subsequent notes are recorded.3. The officer recording the note should affix his signature on the right side of the note sheet where the note ends.

His / her name,designation and dateshould also be typed or rubberstamped below his / hersignature.OBJECTIVE OF A NOTE A note is written to assist thecompetent authority to decide a mattereasily. It helps the seniors to study thewhole picture of a case as portrayed bythe junior officers. The decision of thematter is the end point of a note. A wellwritten note leads to correct decisionand a badly composed note may lead toconfusion, wastage of time andultimately to a bad or wrong decision.ADVANTAGES OF NOTING a. It presents the various aspects of a matter in a clear perspective andbring out pros and cons of the pointunder consideration.

It put down the views of the writer in black and white and records theprecise reason for adopting aparticular course of actionconsidered to be the best out of allpossible courses.c. A note is a record of discussion leading to a particular decision. It can be used as precedent forfuture references.

Game bootstrap parameters cs 1.6. Recorded notes help in understanding reasons for a particular decision, and in finding out, at what level the decision was taken. Responsibility for a particular decision can be fixed on the bases of recorded note.f. Note enables people who come afterwards to pick up the tasks where others left. A note is a historical record and source of information for the coming officials.STRUCTURE OF A NOTEA note has three main parts: 1.

First Part: It gives the brief introductionof the case under consideration. 2. Second Part: Main points. Mis-statementof facts if any. Relevant rules, policy of govt.precedents if any. 3.

Third Part: Third part is the conclusion.It may be in the form of a proposal orrecommendation or suggestion.QUALITIES OF GOOD NOTING a. Paragraphs of a note should benumbered continuously from thebeginning onwards.b. It should be temperate, objectiveand free from personal remarks.c. It should embody all the relevantmaterial about a case concisely, butshould not repeat facts,arguments, words and phrases.d.

There should be sequence innarration. The points which shouldbe stated in the beginning must beso stated and those which shouldappear in the end, must come atthe end. A disjoined statementof facts will confuse the reader.e. The expression should be clear, precise and simple.f. It should be properly documented andreferenced.g. All previous papers, precedents, rulesand regulations orders, etc. Which arerelied upon in a note, should, as far aspossible, be put up with it, andreferenced.BAD NOTING 1.

Reproduction of PUC or FRshould be avoided. The case underconsideration should be explainedbriefly in your own words.2. Un-necessary details andinformation contribute to badnoting.3. Incorrect statement andunauthenticated facts lead to wrongdecision and therefore adds to badnoting.4. Personal biases and prejudices makes a note bad.5. Use of flowery language, longsentence and foreign words areconsidered bad noting.CHECKS AND COUNTER CHECKS 1.

Read the P.U.C. It will help you to understand theprocedure to be adopted forsettling a matter. 2. Know the facts of the case. Your personal interest in the case will help you to find out any misstatement of facts or data.3.

Review the pertinent files,relevant to the case and search out the Rules / Regulations that areapplicable in the case.4. The policy of the Government should also be kept in mind while writing a note.5. Do not forget to mention themisstatement of facts or data if anyin you note. 6. Review grammar, spelling andpunctuation marks of your notebefore signing it. 7. Make sure that the file isproperly referenced and flaggedbefore its submission to thehigher officer.SPECIMEN OF NOTE 56. Ministry of Law, Justice & Human Rights vide FR have requested for posting of Mr.

Noting And Drafting Pdf

Muhammad Naeem, Section Officer, Establishment Division for posting in Provincial Program Management Unit’s (PPMU) of Punjab on deputation basis for a period of three years. 57. It is pointed here that Ministry of Law, Justice & Human Rights have earlier requested for nomination of OMG officers for posting in PPMUs of Punjab, NWFP and Balochistan under Access to Justice Program on deputation basis. 58. The nomination of Mr. Muhammad Naeem, Section Officer, Establishment Division was forwarded to Ministry of Law, Justice & Human Rights for posting in PPMU, Punjab on deputation basis. 59. It is submitted here that Mr. Muhammad Naeem was appointed as Section Officer in 1999.

Official Noting And Drafting


The officer remained posted in the Cabinet Division, Finance Division and Establishment Division. He has not availed any posting/appointment on deputation during his entire service. He is also desirous for posting in Lahore due to some domestic problems. 60. It is stated here that the officer can be posted on deputation basis on standard terms and conditions of deputation contained in Establishment Division’s OM No.

1/13/87-R-I, dated 3-12-1990. 61. It is, proposed that as desired by Ministry of Law, Justice & Human Rights we may place the services of Mr. Muhammad Naeem, Section Officer, Establishment Division at their disposal for further posting in PPMU Punjab on deputation basis. 62. Submitted for approval of JS (Admn). (Muhammad Ijaz Ghani) Section Officer (OMG-II)DS (OMG).