Employee Development Program Policy

. Open and print the. Search theTable of Contents(Last revised July 15, 2019)IMPORTANT NOTICE.PACE UNIVERSITY-GETTING TO KNOW US.DEFINITION OF EMPLOYEE STATUS.EMPLOYMENT POLICIES AND STATEMENTS. I.STANDARDS OF CONDUCT AT PACE UNIVERSITY.CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION.BENEFITS AND SERVICES.OTHER EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES.IMPORTANT NOTICETHE RIGHT TO CHANGE POLICYPace University reserves the sole right to interpret, add, delete, or modify all provisions contained in this handbook. Revisions and updated information concerning changes in policy will be available online through the MyPace Portal.Employees should refer any questions to their immediate or departmental supervisors and/or an authorized member of Human Resources for any assistance with the interpretation of such policies. Copies of the Employee Handbook are available online through the Human Resources website, the Human Resources department, and in campus libraries.GETTING TO KNOW PACE UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY MISSION STATEMENTOur mission is Opportunitas. Pace University provides to its undergraduates a powerful combination of knowledge in the professions, real-world experience, and a rigorous liberal arts curriculum, giving them the skills and habits of mind to realize their full potential.

  1. Employee Development Program Policy 2017

We impart to our graduate students a deep knowledge of their discipline and connection to its community. This unique approach has been firmly rooted since our founding and is essential to preparing our graduates to be innovative thinkers who will make positive contributions to the world of the future.VisionWe educate those who aspire to excellence and leadership in their professions, their lives, and their communities.

Through teaching, scholarship, and creative pursuits, our faculty foster a vibrant environment of knowledge creation and application. Faculty engage students in shared discovery and are committed to guiding students in their education, providing them with a strong foundation for leading meaningful and productive lives.We embrace a culture of quality improvement and shared values to ensure an informed, responsive, caring, and effective community empowered to build and sustain a great University. Together, faculty, administrators, and staff pursue innovation in academic programs and administrative services. We operate with integrity, following through on our commitments to students and each other, holding ourselves accountable for our decisions and actions. We embody an ethos of respect for, and celebration of, our diversity, creating an inclusive and welcoming environment where every person is encouraged to freely and respectfully contribute to the life of the UniversityBRIEF HISTORYPace is a University whose resources have played an essential role in the realization of individual dreams of achievement, and whose mission is voiced in the motto: Opportunitas.Founded in 1906 by the Pace brothers, Pace Institute was a business school for men and women who aspired to a better life.

Homer and Charles Pace borrowed $600 to rent a classroom and office in the old tribune building in lower Manhattan to teach 10 men and three women the principles of accounting and business law. That building once stood where the Pace Plaza building stands today.Two years later, because of the overwhelming success of the Pace School of Accountancy, the Pace brothers had no choice but to relocate classes to the nearby Hudson Terminal complex. Another move to the Transportation Building at 225 Broadway took place in 1927 in response to continued growth.In 1948, the Board of Regents approved Pace Institute for college status. At last, the Bachelor of Business Administration degree could be awarded!

Academic expansion forced yet another move to 41 Park Row in 1951, and two years later Pace College received authorization from the State Education Department to grant the Bachelor of Arts degree.Classes began on the Pleasantville campus in 1963. The year before the Marks Hall building was signed over to the College by Pace Trustee Wayne Marks, President of General Foods, and his wife, Helen. Soon after, Dyson Hall was constructed, named in honor of alumnus, Trustee and benefactor, Charles Dyson. Willcox Hall was named for Trustee and benefactor Byron Willcox.In 1965, the Undergraduate School of Business Administration, the School of Arts and Sciences and the School of Education were established. The year following, the School of Nursing was founded and was later named after alumnus, Trustee and benefactor Gustav Lienhard. In December 1966, at the groundbreaking ceremony for the Civic Center building, Vice President Hubert Humphrey promised to teach at Pace and conducted a Scholar-in-Residence seminar at the New York City campus.Finally in 1973, the State Education Department approved Pace College petition for university status.

Two years later, the College of White Plains consolidated with Pace University and the School of Law was established in 1976. The assets of Briarcliff College were acquired in 1977. In the years following, IBM Corporation opened an international education center, NYNEX opened a center and the Hastings Center moved its operations to the Briarcliff site.In 1953, the School of Computer Science and Information Systems was established as its own entity.In 1997, Pace purchased the World Trade institute, a leading-edge provider of international training programs located on the 55th floor of the World Trade Center in New York City.Pace University today is a diverse institution with nearly 14,000 students. For over years, bright, motivated and talented men and women have walked out of Pace’s many doors, degrees in hand and have ventured into the world prepared for the challenges of each passing decade.

Every year curriculum offerings in the schools and colleges are modified to meet the changing needs of ambitious and knowledgeable students.Throughout the years since 1906, Pace has grown along with the talents of those who comprise what is affectionately known as the Pace Community. The Pace tradition is something in which we can all take pride.AS A PACE EMPLOYEEThe people of Pace are the institution’s most valuable resource. The University is committed to being a leading comprehensive institution in the greater New York area. Commitments to ongoing improvement and to the fostering of an environment of trust and respect will enable the University to be a viable, versatile institution in the 21 century. There are many qualities and competencies that identify the Pace employee. A separate Nepotism Policy applies when a faculty member supervises a Family Member.

That Policy may be found in the 2013 Pace UniversityFaculty Handbook.RIGHTS OF NURSING MOTHERSPace University has adopted this policy in accordance with New York State Law and the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act, to ensure that nursing mothers in its employ are provided the opportunity to express milk at appropriate locations during reasonable break times during the workday. Additionally, it is the policy of Pace University that discrimination against and/or harassment of employees, who exercise their rights under this policy, is prohibited.Upon return to work, any employee who is nursing is eligible for up to three (3) years following the birth of a child. Eligible employees wishing to express milk in the workplace must contact their supervisor and the Employee Relations Manager prior to returning to work following the birth of a child to discuss appropriate arrangements including, but not limited to location, and work scheduling. The Employee Relations Manager and the employee’s supervisor will work with the employee to help ensure that all appropriate needs are met while at the same time ensuring that the disruption to the University’s operations will be kept to a minimum. The University will make a reasonable effort to provide a private room or other location (other than a bathroom) that is shielded from view and free from intrusion from coworkers and the public; within a close proximity of the employee’s work station for the purpose of expression of milk.Employees shall be provided sufficient unpaid break time to allow the employee to express milk.

Generally, these breaks shall be twenty to thirty minutes in duration. If an employee believes she has not been provided sufficient time, she should immediately inform her Supervisor or the Employee Relations Manager. An employee is also permitted to use her normal meal period and/or scheduled break times to express milk. Under certain circumstances an employee may be permitted to work before or after her normal shift to make up the amount of time used during the unpaid break time(s). An employee may be required to postpone a scheduled break to express milk for a reasonable period of up to thirty (30) minutes if she cannot be spared her duties until appropriate coverage arrives.The University will not discriminate in any way against an employee who chooses to express breast milk in the workplace. The University also strictly prohibits any form of discrimination, retaliation or harassment against an employee requesting or obtaining leave for expression of breast milk.

Any person who believes she has been the victim of such discrimination, retaliation or harassment must immediately report the incident to the Employee Relations Manager.Please contact an Employee Relations Manager if you have questions about this policy or need location information for campus nursing locations.APPROPRIATE USE POLICY FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYInformation Technology (I.T.) at Pace University encompasses the use of all campuses’ computing, telecommunications, document services, educational media, and management information systems technologies. Resources support the instructional, research, and administrative activities of the University.Users of these services and facilities have access to valuable University resources, sensitive data, and external networks. Consequently, it is important for all users to behave in a responsible, ethical, and legal manner. In general, appropriate use means understanding the intended use for Pace I.T.

(and making certain that one’s use complies), respecting the rights of other Pace information technology users, maintaining the integrity of the physical facilities, and obeying all pertinent license and contractual agreements.It is the responsibility of each Pace employee to read and abide by the terms of the Appropriate Use Policy for I.T. For a full explanation of the policy, refer toE-Mail. E-mail has become an important vehicle for sharing information throughout the University. For assistance with e-mail, or any other IT Service, please contact the ITS Help Desk at Ext. 33648, or send an email to.

ITS also provides online self-help guides on using Outlook. For further information on using e-mail, look for the Talent Development program, Outlook Exchange E-mail and Calendar Overview. For the University’s policy on the proper use of e-mail, refer to Pace University’s Appropriate Use Policy for Information Technology.­Voice Mail System.

Pace University’s Voice Mail System enhances voice communications with a backup for busy or unanswered calls. It allows the members of the Pace community to receive phone messages in their confidential mailboxes, each of which is passcode protected. Mailboxes can be created or customized to meet specific individual/departmental needs. Contact the ITS Help Desk at Ext. 33648, or send an email to for more information. For the University’s policy on the proper use of the Voice Mail System, refer to Pace University’s Appropriate Use Policy for Information Technology.Emergency Notification System:PaceAlert is Pace University’s emergency notification system for Pace students, faculty, and staff. This system delivers time-sensitive emergency notifications via telephone (cellular or landline), e-mail, and text messaging to all members of the Pace community who have signed up and provided their information.

Training policy for employees

This system is used when there is a campus closing, severe, uncontained threat to public safety and health of the campus community, and when immediate action is required on the part of the recipient group (e.g.; chemical spills, tornado warnings, etc.) To register, visit.CONFLICT OF INTERESTEmployees of Pace University have an obligation to avoid activities or situations that may result in a conflict of interest or the appearance of a conflict of interest. Exempt II – Full-time staff positions with the following position titles: Dean, Associate/Assistant Dean, Department Director, Librarian, Chief Engineer, Psychologist, Counselor (Academic, Admissions, Placement)Accrual ScheduleVacation accrued by date:July 15 th1/12August 15 th2/12September 15 th3/12October 15 th4/12November 15 th5/12December 15 th6/12January 15 th7/12February 15 th8/12March 15 th9/12April 15 th10/12May 15 th11/12June 15 th12/12 (Fully AccruedScheduling of Vacation DaysSupervisors have the responsibility of coordinating and approving vacation schedules of their employees. The amount and timing of vacation to be taken in any one period of time should be discussed well in advance with your supervisor in order to allow maximum opportunity to accommodate your request and to adequately staff the workplace. Vacation time requests may be made for ½ day (3 ½ hours) or full day increments only.

Your request must be in writing and approved by your supervisor prior to making definitive plans.While vacation days may be taken in advance of when they are actually accrued, employees should plan their vacation days carefully throughout the year, and particularly at the start of the accrual cycle. In the event of termination of employment, the employee is expected to reimburse the University for any vacation time taken that has not been accrued.If a recognized Pace University holiday falls on a regular workday during an employee’s vacation, the day is paid as a holiday and not counted as a vacation day. Other Pace University closings deemed necessary (i.e.

emergency and snow closings) that fall on a regular work day during an employee’s vacation will be considered vacation days.Illness during vacation is not typically counted as sick leave. However, if a serious accident or extensive illness occurs that would place the employee on short-term disability leave, the supervisor should discuss the matter with a Human Resources Benefits Representative to consider whether all or part of the vacation could be rescheduled.Vacation days must be used in the year accrued, on a July 1 through June 30th schedule. Vacation carryovers are not permitted beyond this date. Vacation not used as of June 30th each year is forfeited (use it or lose it).Vacation Pay for Separating EmployeesA separating employee will be paid in full for accrued and unused vacation days. Vacation pay is based upon an employee’s straight time earnings.

One of the great things about finishing college is the feeling of freedom. I never have to sit through another lecture again!’, you think.But then you start your career and realize that the learning is far from over.Career training and development are of vital importance to both the employee and the company. However, it needn’t be a grind for either! With careful consideration, you can create an employee training and development plan that is fun, engaging and productive. The importance of employee training and developmentNothing ever stands still, especially business. That may be a cliche, but it’s true nevertheless.

New ideas, products, techniques and strategies are constantly appearing. If, as an employer, you’re not training your people on these, you risk falling behind your competitors or getting out of touch with the needs of your clients. Do we need to say more to convince you on the importance of employee training and development?A good employee training and development plan will help energize your company and facilitate greater employee engagement. But how do you start developing the ideal training and development plan for your employees? A good place to begin is considering the benefits of employee training and development.

Staff training and development are beneficial to both the individual and the organization. Think of it like a plant: T&D is the water that helps the whole thing grow.If you need convincing about the benefits of employee training, consider the following points: Staff training leads to greater productivityIf your employees are kept up to date with the latest developments in your field, they are. There’s nothing like new ideas to freshen up your approach to your tasks.

Employees feel more engagedA good training program will address the, helping them to feel more confident in the importance and value of what they produce. You can nurture and develop talentGood training and employee development will identify and that already exists in your organization, bringing benefits to your company and the employee. Think of it as a tool: would you like to know that you have an underused piece of equipment?Of course, the advantages of offering robust and relevant training and development to your employees are not exhaustive to these points, but it’s a good start, isn’t it? Now for Creating the employee training and development planSince we know what the benefits are, how do we go about creating an effective training and development plan? This is a crucial stage in the training and development process, and there are several points we have to bear in mind. After all, designing an employee training plan can have tremendous impact on the productivity of your staff and the success of your business. So, you shouldn’t be careless about it!

What you should do is have a look at the following points: 1. One-size-fits-all doesn’t suit anybody!One of the biggest mistakes in training and development plans is the tendency to impose the exact same program on everybody. It’s demotivating and can lead to employee disengagement. Sure, you will have mandatory training targets, but you also have to consider the individual. Identify employee needsIt’s absolutely vital that you can target exactly in what area each employee needs training. Clearly, someone who works in the sales department will require different tools in their skill set compared to someone else in engineering. After all, when else can staff training and development be more effective if not when it’s targeted?

Employee Development Program Policy 2017

And as for the employees’ needs? A common approach to identifying these needs is through yearly appraisals, although you can employ other methods as well. Be flexible, but have limitsIt’s important to provide flexibility in your approach to training and development.

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You need to consider when employees can do their training, for a start. There’s also the question of where they do it: if you have a globally dispersed work team, it’s highly unlikely that you’ll be able to bring them together in one place — this is where a can prove extremely efficient.However, you will need time limits within which a given training target has to be met, and you should agree these completion times with employees. Are your Training and Development plan objectives too big or too vague?One issue that appraisers face is that a training goal is so big that it feels unachievable — a hugely demotivating thing. Same goes for vague: having ‘Learn how to be more productive’ as a T&D target, as I once had, is like being asked to punch fog. Appraisers themselves also need training in creating a list of achievable, smart targets for each employee, ones that can be realistically completed within agreed time limits.

Track the progressEmployee training tracking reports are a key feature of your employee development program. They should begin from the moment the individual T&D has been agreed, then follow the employee’s progress through it, and end with checking they’ve completed the target and given feedback. And it goes without saying that this process is a repeated cycle throughout your employee’s career within your company. Your employee training and development plan needs the right toolsOnce you’ve considered all the points above, you can think about how you’re going to deliver your employee training and development plan.Once upon a time, this would have consisted of in-house training sessions and awaydays but the tons of technology built into your can now help you avoid all these pitfalls and focus on what matters most: facilitating skill acquisition and talent development. Your training development plan can now be offered seamlessly to your employees: All with robust reporting, tools like gamification to boost engagement, and intuitive UIs to distract less and produce more training.So, don’t forget to gather the criteria for choosing your LMS to implement your online training and development plan! ConclusionA great employee training and development plan takes careful consideration, but it more than pays for itself in the long run. You’ll have more motivated employees, greater engagement throughout the company, and a reputation for valuing and respecting your workforce.Have a flexible approach that emphasizes individual merits and watch your organization grow!