Slus 00748 Gameshark

Hey royflame0, the change disk work fine on epsxe 170,but anyway, you don't need to do that on residen evil 2, 'cause the 2 disk are independent, you can play the second without playing the first, but games that need this changing work fine, but it's better that you save before changing, 'cause not ALWAYS the change disk feature work.Again, disk 1is for Leon, the 2nd is for Claire, you can turn off 'cause resident evil 2 don't work this way, and, if there's something that I didn't explin well, then ask again. I hope solved your question.

SavestateSave the state to the slot selected.2. LoadstateLoad the state of the slot selected.3. ChangediscSome games could require to changedisc on gameplay. Use this option to change the previous/next disc.4. ToggleframelimitYou can enable/disable the framelimit, so you can pass some part of the game faster.5.

CheatcodesIn this option, you can enable/disable cheat codes for the game which you are playing. If you don't have cheat codes for this game, you will see a download button to get cheatcodes file from our server. EPSXe supports GameShark cheat codes. You can download the cheat codes from our server with the Download button on cheatcode option during gameplay or create your own file.In the second case, you can load cheat codes in the emulator creating a file called 'sdcard/epsxe/cheats/SXXXXXX.XX.txt (where SXXXXXXX.XX is the PS-EXE name of the game, which you can see in exit option, or in the cheat code option during gameplay) in your sdcard.

For example in Final Fantay 8 US-NTSC the file name is:'epsxe/cheats/SLUS008.92.txt'.ePSXe supports 256 codes per file. The file format is:#description of cheat code 1XXXXXXXX YYYYZZZZZZZZ AAAA#descripion of cheat code 2NNNNNNNN MMMMFor example for Final Fantasy 8 US-NTSC, it could be:#Zell level 20800778a4 4a38Currently, only 80XXXXXX, 30XXXXXX, 50XXXXXX, 1F800XXX, D0XXXXXX, D1XXXXXX, D2XXXXXX, D3XXXXXX, E0XXXXXX, E1XXXXXX, E2XXXXXX, E3XXXXXX gameshark codes are supported, the rest will be ignored. You can find GameShark codes in a lot of webpages in internet, like:that, re-load your game, and you will be able to enable/disable the gameshark codes from the menu 'cheat codes' on gameplay (disabled by default). Toggle GLConfigUsing the opengl external plugin in this option, you can enable/disable the opengl settings tools to change options on the fly. FS: Enable/Disable frameskip. OD: Enable/Disable Off screen drawing.

OD is used to detect drawings which are outside the front/backbuffer, doing such stuff in software (or by tweaking polygon coords). FI: Enable/Disable filtering. Give it a try. The real PSX doesn't support BF, so there will be some glitches if you turn BF on.


Several games will look nicer. There are two main filtering modes. The Extended mode is slightly slower, but even better with most games. AM: Enable/Disable Alpha Multipass. Draws opaque texture pixels the way it should be. Of course it could be a bit slower (and if your OpenGL driver draws black rectangles around objects, turn this option off). AB: Enable/Disable Advanced Blending.

Depending on your drivers OpenGL implementation using 'Advanced blending' will be nice or slow. FT: Enable/Disable Framebuffer texture. To get whirling screen effects and psx motion blurring. MB: Enable/Disable Mask Bit (it usually requires restart). A really rarely used ability of the real PSX is the usage of mask bits to avoid drawing into some parts of the screen. Well, to increase compatibility you can turn the mask bit emulation on, but as far as I know only Silent Hill is really needing it. If you activate it, there are also some chances that 3D shutter glasses will work.

Slus 00748 Gameshark 1

Another hint: because most games don't need the mask detection, you can turn it off to get more available texture vram. SAVE: Save to a file in sdcard/epsxe/config/GAME-CODE.txt the options selected. EXIT: Hide the toolbar.7. Split Mode optionsYou must choose 2 players in input preferences, and then there are 3 split modes available:. SplitVert: Used in games which don't have split screen (Tekken3, Soul Blade.). SplitHorz1: Used in games which have split horizontal screen (Gran Turismo 2.).

SplitHorz2: The same as SplitHorz1, but with the pads swapped8. More optionsYou can in lastest version modify on the fly some parameter, edit cheat codes, reset the game. Be careful the options modified during game play are not saved, you have to set that options in preferences.