Hindi Typing Practice Book


Make the most of your typing practice! The fastest typists recommend these tips to improve yourtyping speed andaccuracy:. 1. Learn to touch type.Touch typing is a typing technique in which you always usethe same finger to type each key, without looking at the keyboard. It takes somepracticeto learn, but training these consistent finger motions will enableyou to type much faster than you could otherwise. Thewill teach you to touch type using the standard QWERTY typing technique.

Computer Hindi Typing Practice Book Pdf

The lessonsconsist of basic typing and finger training exercises to guide you through the skillsfortyping each key.Once you have learned the technique you can practice your typing here on this page toboostyour speed and accuracy.Your fingers will learn to strike the correct keys automatically and you won’t need tostop to find them on the keyboard. Your mind will be free to think about what you aretypinginsteadof where the keys are. With routine typing practice,you will thoroughly master the skill and become more productive at everything you do atthekeyboard!.

2. Minimize your hand movements and physical effort.Practice keeping your fingerspositioned on the home row, curved slightly down so that you can easily extend them totype the keys on the rowsaboveand below with minimalmovement. Let the palms of your hands float just above the keyboard and rest your thumbson the space bar.Strike the keys with a quick and light touch.It is also a good practice to maintain arelaxed and comfortable posture to minimize muscle strain and fatigue. Raise the heightof your seat, or stand if necessary so that your arms and hands are resting comfortablydown atthekeyboard and your eyes are glancing down at your screen. Adjust your screen so that youcanclearly seewhat you are typing without straining your eyes and neck. As you practice typing,rememberthat you will carry the habits you develop now with you into the future, whenever youtypeon a keyboard. 3.

Practice typing for accuracy, not speed.If you are making mistakes, slow down.You will not get faster by making lots of typos because it will take more time to gobackand fix them all. Furthermore, practicing poor technique will impede your progress byreinforcingyour mistakes and bad habits. Typing practice is an exercise, not a race. Type preciselyata rate thatyou are comfortablewith.

Paramount Hindi Typing Practice Book Pdf

Your speed will naturally increase as your typing skills. Arcade fighting games. 4. Visualize as you type.You will find this tip most useful once you haveconfidently learned the positions ofall the keys and are practicing to increase your typing speed. Think about the wordsjustahead of where you are typing and imagine your fingers moving across the keyboard totype them. Your typing will really begin to flow when you can achieve this.If you are justlearning the keys and not quite ready for this, you can employ the power ofvisualizationin your practice by imagining each letter on the keyboard and your finger moving to itbefore you type it. 5. Maintain your focus on typing.Don’t practice in a noisy environment.

Eliminatedistractions.You are more likely to make mistakes if you are distracted, and you do not want topracticemaking mistakesthat would be counterproductive to your goals.If you find your concentration drifting, try to regain focus or consider taking a breakandcoming back toyour typingpractice at a better time.