For Security Reasons The Visual Sourcesafe Internet Plugin

I've gone through Alin's step-by-step process, Installing and configuring Microsoft Visual SourceSafe for Internet (Remote) access.But, I can't get past step 7. When I try to access my sourcesafe instance though a browser (just to test it), it continually pops up a 'Connecting to.' Security dialog box, and after three tries, fails with this error:HTTP Error 401.1 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials.Internet Information Services (IIS)Now, I've tried entering my domain ID/pwd(which is part of the local admin group on the server) and I've even tried the admin account.

Nothing works. I've even added NTFS permissions for both of the above mentioned accounts. I've tried all sorts of tiny workarounds.

What is visual sourcesafeFor Security Reasons The Visual Sourcesafe Internet Plugin

I even tried disabling the windows auth requirement in IIS for the web services and use anonymous, but then nothing comes up in the browser and VS 2005 says the connection to the server was reset.Guys. I need help here. I've been struggling with this for a day now.Thanks in advance,Paul. After more wrangling. I discovered that the problem does lie within IIS. I was able to place a simple.htm file in the physical directory under the VSS program (with the bin, etc.) and I found that it brought up the page just fine in the browser.

My guess is that the VssService.asmx page which instantiates the Microsoft.VisualSourceSafe.RemoteAccess.VssWebService DLL has a problem with the rights/priviledges there. Does anyone know what else this object is doing? Maybe I just need to tweak the permissions on some folder.Thanks,Paul. HiIssue I have seen with authenication include:1.

In the web.config you must have impersonation set to true.2. If the service is associated with the default pool you must the default pool running under network service (Right click and choose properties on the default pool and check the identity tag)3. You should turn off allow anonymous access to the web service (If for some reason the anonymous user has permissions to do everything on the web it will not authenicate as anything else)4. Your NT user name must be in SourceSafe and you must turn on automatic authenication in the admin tools options (normally on by default). Hi Patrick,My responses are below.1.

In the web.config you must have impersonation set to true.The web.config automatically has impersonation set to true, but I verified that nonetheless.2. If the service is associated with the default pool you must the default pool running under network service (Right click and choose properties on the default pool and check the identity tag)The DefaultAppPool was running under local system so I changed it to Network service and now all webs and virtual folders are sending a SERVICE UNAVAILABLE message in the browser.

The DefaultAppPool indicates now that it has stopped because of an 'unspecified error'. Are you sure about this?3. You should turn off allow anonymous access to the web service (If for some reason the anonymous user has permissions to do everything on the web it will not authenicate as anything else)Anonymous access has been disabled (which is the default when the VSS admin sets up the folder), but I verified that this too.4. Your NT user name must be in SourceSafe and you must turn on automatic authenication in the admin tools options (normally on by default)How do you do that? My NT username is the same as my VSS login name.

In the admin tool options in VSS admin program, there's GENERAL, TIME ZONE, etc. Tabs along the top. Not one of them have an option for automatic authentication.Again, when I try to run the VssService.asmx file in a browser, it returns the following error: You are not authorized to view this pageYou do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied because your Web browser is sending a WWW-Authenticate header field that the Web server is not configured to accept.Any ideas?

Visual Sourcesafe Tutorial

I've turned off the firewall and tried it. What does that VssService.dll object do? Does it access some special folder I'm missing? Does the Default Web Site have to only have Windows Auth enabled?Server specs:Windows Server 2003 SP1 (Enterprise)I can send you any other information about my server. Just let me know.Thanks! When you just browse to the web service it does not really access anything yet.My guess would be that you can not run any web service at this point.

Visual Sourcesafe End Of Life

Try creating a simple web service with Visual Studio (just select web service project) on your web server. If this is actually working for you then you need to get back to checking on file permissions for VssService.asmx and binVssWebService.dllIf you actually want to see the web service manifest you need to turn custom errors off (in web.config) and remove following line in the web.configThis info is hidden by default for security reasons.Also make sure ASP.NET 2.0 is used for SourceSafe web appRerunC:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727aspnetregiis -i -enableThen in check ASP.NET tab in the properties for SourceSafe web app in IIS properties. It should be 2.0.50727.