Cardiologia Del Deporte Pdf

The benefits of physical activity and exercise on health are indisputable for women. There is scientific evidence of the benefits in more than 25 medical conditions, including cardiovascular disease and premature mortality.Physical activity provides multifactorial benefits with effects on the hemostatic, autonomic, metabolic, endocrine and immune systems, among others, that may be applicable at different stages of a woman's physiological history. A specific approach is therefore required at each of these stages to gain all the benefits that physical exercise can bring.

Differences in physiological responses to acute exercise and periods of training are related to body size, body composition, and the endocrinological properties of women.The benefits of physical activity and the individualized prescription of exercise always outweigh their possible risks. Nevertheless, it is necessary to bear in mind that if there is a cardiovascular, osteoarticular or metabolic risk, there must be a proper assessment by medical professionals specialized in the management of physical activity and sports.

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Despite the known benefits, women's physical inactivity indicators are alarming, as well as their potential effects and consequences. Strategies that promote physical activity in women, new methods to adequately quantify its levels, and strategies for eliminating barriers to access have become a challenge for health professionals and public health policy planners. Previous article in issue.

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Cardiologia Del Deporte Pdf Con

Regular physical exercise is an established recommendation for preventing and treating the main modifiable cardiovascular risk factors, such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and dyslipidemia. Performing physical activity of moderate intensity for a minimum of 30 minutes 5 days a week or of high intensity for a minimum of 20 minutes 3 days a week improves functional capacity and is associated with reductions in the incidence of cardiovascular disease and mortality. Physical exercise induces physiological cardiovascular adaptations that improve physical performance, and only in extreme cases can these adaptations lead to an increased risk of physical exercise-associated complications. The incidence of sudden death or serious complications during physical exercise is very low and is concentrated in people with heart diseases or with pathological cardiac adaptation to exercise. Most of these cases can be detected by cardiology units or well-trained professionals.Full English text available from.