Atari Axis And Allies

Game box cover artAlan ChavelehAdel ChavelehIan KlimonBrian WoodPhillip MoralesMark YohalemJulian SouleReleaseNovember 2, 2004Mode(s),Axis & Allies is a developed by and published by for the and older platforms. The game was released on November 2, 2004. It is based on the board game series from and also on TimeGate's. Set in the years after and the entered into the war, the game allows the player to act as a to build military forces to fight against other generals, using and from the war. Thus, the player is able to the. Correspondingly, the game's is, 'World War II is in your hands.' The game as a whole is TimeGate's best-selling game release, upon the company's in 2013.

The game performed decent in and was received with satisfaction, although some review sites claimed the game fell short in terms of and in an overemphasis on.Axis & Allies RTS is the name used to distinguish the game from, the name of the popular board game series. Axis & Allies: Collector's Edition was released as a new name for the game on August 28, 2006 by new. Contents.Gameplay In Axis & Allies, the player assumes the role of a of one of the five of: the,. Each nation has access to its own unique military units, such as for Russia, for Great Britain, and for Germany.

Four generals exist for each nation, with each general having access to unique Special Operation abilities, such as, deploying a, or giving an area to friendly units. Particularly noteworthy are the most expensive Special Operations, which include large damaging abilities such as, and.The player battles against other generals in one of three game modes: World War II, custom game, and campaign mode. Gameplay is played mainly in the, though is used in WWII mode. The primary objective of gameplay is to destroy all opposing enemy military forces, though some campaigns and maps require other objectives to be completed, such as capturing certain cities, escorting a, or defending a specific area. A 'City Control' percentage option may be enabled, in which the winner of the battle goes to the first side/team to capture a set percentage of cities on the map.Like in, the player must expend resources to construct buildings and recruit units to fight the enemy, while maintaining an, progressing through a,. In standard gameplay, the player deploys from a HQ, the main building.

These building trucks can ' into all other essential buildings, which aid in producing combat units, technologies, and the three major resources of the game: money, ammo, and oil. Money is obtained as a constant flow of revenue from specific buildings and is used to purchase combat units and technologies, whereas ammo and oil are static resources provided by buildings, and are used for combat unit upkeep. Combat units of their corresponding types are deployed from four classes of buildings:, and HQs.Axis & Allies also includes special gameplay features, such as control,. Regiments fighting near a Corps HQ with an Infantry Division HQ on fire.' Regiments' are the base combat groups that the player can control.

A regiment is composed of a certain squad of units, where a unit can be, for example, an, a, or a. Anime kuroko no basuke season 2 sub indonesia. The player controls the entire regiment as a whole, but cannot select and control its individual units. Every unit within a regiment is different, for example, a will paralyze units while units will splash. A regiment can be toggled into three states of, which trade the regiment's movement speed for attack efficiency, meaning are less damaging than slow advances.

There is also a feature called ' in which a regiment gains a large defensive bonus if idle for a certain period of time. Furthermore, regiments gain experience from battles and have four tiers of veterancy, which improve the attack and defense of the regiment's units with each level.The game includes three types of units: ground units, air units, and naval units. All regiments are made up of ground units; they are blocked by mountains and slowed by forests, sand, and cities, though infantry units gain a defensive bonus while in forests or cities.

Secondly, air units can fly over mountains, but they move and attack automatically; they can be deployed but not controlled by the player. Thirdly, naval units travel in water, but can neither be healed nor recruited, and thus they only appear in campaigns.In addition, the game employs a feature called a for replenishing regiments, defined by a surrounding green border. Regiments heal and replace missing troops within the zone of supply through ' to Division HQs of their type.

The player's main HQ, as well as cities, are the primary sources for emanating the zone of supply. Other buildings can extend the zone of supply so that regiments far from a can replenish troops. In addition, most buildings are able to be packed and relocated to redraw supply lines, if needed.Battles are also fought around a special feature called, which represents a regiment's tendency to from battle. Each regiment features a morale bar, which decreases as the regiment is engaged in battle.

If morale drops below a threshold, the regiment's banner will flash white and the regiment makes an uncontrolled retreat away from the enemy. If the morale bar reaches zero, the regiment becomes frozen in place until it either gains its morale back or is killed. This makes prolonging battles costly, but the player can avoid regiments from routing by manually them before their morale drops too low. Enemy artillery fire and flame attacks diminish the morale bar more rapidly.

Some Special Operation abilities are used to affect the morale of friendly and enemy units. WWII mode. WWII mode.WWII mode is a game mode which allows the player to wage war across the globe in a traditional fashion. It resembles a turn-based computer variant of the, but with the option to fight battles in mode.

The player fights WWII in how they see fit, effectively 'changing the course of history.' At the start, the player chooses a nation and a general to play as, then the game displays a game board showing a with territory. A number of territories, such as or Germany, have already in place. The player and computer players take turns purchasing, and pieces from their and move them across the map to engage enemy armies and territories. Each nation has reduced recruitment cost for a specific military piece; for example, Germany recruits cheaper armor pieces, Russia has cheaper infantry pieces, and Japan has cheaper air support pieces.

Moreover, each nation can purchase technologies to increase the chance that its battles will be successful; these are the same researches encountered in RTS mode. Either the Allies or Axis wins when two of the opposing side are conquered.Battles that occur are chosen by the player to be fought in either of two ways: as a 'quick resolve' battle or as an 'RTS battle'. 'Quick resolves' are computerized simulations of the battles and the outcome is immediate. Probability of victory is based on army sizes and technologies researched by the attacking and defending armies.

In contrast, 'RTS battles' are fought using the normal real-time strategy mode. These battles their maps from the board game state. The quantity of military pieces attacking and defending a territory determines each player's starting money and starting forces in the RTS battle. Furthermore, the particular types of pieces contesting a territory restricts the types of units (i.e. Infantry, mechanized, armor, air) that each player is able to deploy. A special feature is that if pieces converge to attack from multiple territories, forces appear in the corresponding directions in the battle. In addition, these battles take place in the appropriate of the contested territories (e.g., ).There are only two major resources in WWII mode: money and technologies.

Atari Axis And Allies

Money is used to purchase military pieces and technologies. It is obtained every turn as the sum of the income values of controlled territories. Technologies, on the other hand, are purchased to increase the probability of victory in 'quick resolve' battles. Purchasing technologies also pre-researches them in RTS battles.The primary rules of the board game are as follows. If an attacking army defeats a defending army, the weakest piece of the defeated army is destroyed and the rest of the army retreats to a nearby allied territory. If the defending army is unable to retreat to nearby allied territory (i.e.

Completely surrounded), then the entire army is destroyed. However, if the defender is the victor, then the weakest piece of the attacker's army is destroyed and the rest of the attacking army retreats back to their original territory. If a piece moves into a neutral territory or an abandoned enemy territory, it will automatically capture that territory at the start of the next turn.In contrast to the, each player can only attack one territory per turn. Also, naval and air units are not built on the board but appear only during an RTS battle resolution.

Moreover, each movable game piece is only given a movement speed of one tile. Custom battle Custom battle is a game mode in which real-time strategy battles are played on either a or on a pre-built map. Both randomly-generated and pre-built maps allow up to 8 players, and are played with the computer or online with real players. For randomly-generated maps, the player is allowed to choose the map's (e.g., ), what land features are present on the map (e.g., ), how much money and each player starts out with, and many other options.

Axis & Allies' built-in random map generator then the map according to the terrain options selected. When playing on a randomly generated map, each player always starts in random locations on the map with the iconic setup of a primary Corps HQ building, some, and a truck. Gameplay proceeds as usual until a victor is decided by the victory condition of either destroying all enemies or capturing a set percentage of cities, if that option is set. Map editor.The Axis & Allies Map Editor allows players to make their own custom battle maps to play in both singleplayer and multiplayer mode. Players are able to customize many map options, including player starting units, scenery objects, terrain layout, audio sources, and game. Game triggers allow for custom creation of, unit & spawns, and.Multiplayer games are played in the format of a custom battle; the other two game modes, WWII mode and Campaign mode, are not available for online play. Online players play in solo or team battles on randomly generated maps, or on official or player-created maps.

A maximum of 12 players is allowed to join a single game, but only a maximum of 8 players is allowed to actually play. Players who are not playing are allowed to spectate in-game.

Players can save multiplayer films, host rooms and games, and make friends and add them to their buddy lists. Online service was supported by, a free online player-matching service.

At the beginning of December 2012, discontinued online server service to users. However, user direct-connect LAN services can still function. Plot Campaigns. Regiments in the campaign mission, as part of the.In Campaign mode, the player is thrust into a series of for either the (Germany and Japan) or the (United States, Great Britain, and Russia) throughout the years of 1941-1945. There are a total of 24 campaign missions: 12 for the Allied and 12 for the Axis.Playing as the Allies, the course of history goes the with the sealing Germany's fate and the capture of and sealing Japan's. The campaigns interchange between the armies of Great Britain, Russia, and the United States of America as time progresses.Playing as the Axis leads to an alternate history of WWII, based on what-if scenarios.

The campaign begins with a tactical German victory in the. Having driven out British forces in the, and his win the, pushing the British all the way back through the. With the fuel-rich Middle East in German hands, Germany wins the decisive and the following year, the endlessly supplied units crush the Russians at, effectively sealing the fate of the. Meanwhile, in the, Japan manages an, leaving the Americans without a staging area in the Pacific (it is also suggested that the was more successful, with the fleet being sunk in deep waters rather than in the shallow waters of the base). The still happens; however, the have unfavorable terrain and the Germans' counterattack is successful. The failed invasion at Normandy not only prevented the Allies from opening a new front in the war, it also oversaw Germany's plans to invade Great Britain.

With invading from the south and Rommel invading from the west, proved to be a success, forcing the British to surrender.While Germany deals with resistance, Japan invades India to crush the last of the British forces under the command of. With Great Britain defeated, Germany is able to turn its attention back to Stalin and the Soviet Union. Japanese advance units under and German Panzer divisions under surround, but the battle for control of the city turns into a three way brawl with German and Japanese units each vying for control of the city. The battle ends in a German victory. By now, the United States of America is the only Allied nation left to challenge the Axis. With the defeat of British and Australian forces, Japan quickly eliminates the last remaining ships of the American fleet and captures, and later.

With crippled beyond repair, the Allies lose their chances of defeating the Axis Powers and America settles into a new with Japan in the Pacific and Nazi Germany in Europe.Development Axis & Allies was developed by and built using the, which laid out much of the framework for the game. Axis & Allies was released about a month later than.The people at TimeGate were 'very excited to work on the project with one of the leading publishers in the industry Atari', as told by Adel Chaveleh, president of TimeGate Studios.

He also said that 'they have been fans and players of the franchise for years, and their commitment to innovation combined with the popularity of the brand is a definite recipe for a killer title.' The design process of Axis & Allies largely entailed three things: research, visual design, and game triggers.One design task was choosing the missions for the Axis campaign. It was difficult to judge at what point the war should turn in favor of the Axis.

It was decided that major changes had to start early in the war. If had not gotten sick or if had never been placed in charge of the in, the second Axis campaign mission, the, might have been a disaster for the British. The Germans might have broken through and moved on to capture several of the major oil fields in the.

If they had, then might have been successful for Germany, since in the real course of history, German forces had to stop 30 miles from Moscow because some forces had to be diverted to fight for the.Most of the designers at TimeGate working on the game were history, and they watched World War II movies and documentaries at home for research. The was popular with the team. Such research was used to size maps, create the appropriate number of cities, and to select which armies to be present. For example, the map was designed to be very large to accommodate all five beachheads:,.


The map was designed to accommodate all that landed and the defending the coast.For terrain design, the designer or artist working on the map would usually keep an of the region by his desk for reference. The art team produced numerous terrain sets, such as the 'Russian winter'.The designers used game to make special game events occur. For example, early development of the mission focused on the defense of by the.

The map design started out as a city with several airborne companies inside it. Using triggers, German troops were pulled to attack the city many times. If the player could hold out long enough, arrived to break the.The turn-based WWII mode in Axis & Allies was chiefly inspired by the board game series. Although different in how it is played, the mode was said by lead designer Brian Wood to 'capture the importance of the economic factors (which are often left out of WWII games), as well as to encompass the global aspect of the board game.' Reception ReceptionAggregate scoresAggregatorScore67%65/100Review scoresPublicationScore6.0/1084//10GameZone7.8/10Game Industry NewsGame Chronicles7.1/10GameWatcher7.5/10Axis & Allies performed satisfactory in ratings. The game was rated with a 6.0 by, with gaming critics on the site giving a rating of 6.8 and users rating the game with 7.5. Rated the game with a score of 8.4, stating that ' Axis and Allies RTS stands on its own merits as a great strategy game.'

Rated the game 4 out of 5 stars, marking the game as 'a marriage of the and the recent award-winning RTS fantasy title ', saying that the game 'has certainly taken on the best of both and delivered a great little game.' XGPGaming tooted an 8.7/10 rating, saying that 'they did a great job on this game, in a genre that has been watered down by the numerous attempts by various companies. I recommend everyone who likes to give this one a try.' EToyChest gave a rating of 80%, writing that the game was 'worthy to carry the Axis & Allies name proudly, and is a tremendously entertaining game in its own right.

Axis & Allies delivers in terms of pure excitement and plain and simple fun. The game packs in more than enough challenge to keep even the seasoned RTS veterans gritting their teeth, while the is sure to keep most any player giddy.' Gave the game a low 2 out of 5 stars, detailing the game as, 'Timegate's goes to World War II and shoots itself in the foot.' Tom Chick from GameSpy claimed that although the game 'does a good job of modeling ', he blames the game's incompetence on the 'interface.

confusing and non-intuitive interplay among units , and too much.' The game has also been criticized for its weak. However, the game was stated by its developers to be able to ' as they play the game.' IGN remarks that, artistically, the visuals of Axis & Allies look good:The unit are fairly distinguishable at a glance and the and movements look very natural. Some of the units tend to bunch up on one another (where, oh, where are those controls?) but, otherwise, the effect of seeing troops marching beside, of seeing, or of trees falling before the advance of your, is a very positive one that maintains a high level of excitement. Main menu, sample.Musically, Butts says, 'The and are passable but don't stand out too much. Their chief virtue is in not getting in the way of the gameplay.'

Chris Stavros from GameWatcher thought the audio and video elements of the game were superb and portrayed the atmosphere of very well:The music in the game is quite good, dramatic at times, and some of it is used to alert players when units are built and destroyed. The game includes many, one for each, and a movie for each scenario, with excellent work, that is not corny, but fits the mood of the game quite well. Retrieved 2018-01-31. ^. Retrieved 2018-02-04.

^. Retrieved 2018-02-04.

^. Retrieved 2018-02-04. ^.

From the original on 15 May 2007. Retrieved 2007-06-10. Brandy redux (December 8, 2009). Retrieved 2018-08-25. ^ Parker, Sam (2003-05-14).

Retrieved 2018-02-04. ^. Retrieved 2018-02-20. ^ Beers, Craig (November 2004). Retrieved 2016-07-08. ^ Wood, Brian (2004-10-28).

Retrieved 2018-02-04. ^ Surette, Tim (2004-11-02).

Retrieved 2018-02-21. Park, Andrew; Colayco, Bob; Ocampo, Jason (2004-09-10). Retrieved 2018-02-20. ^. Retrieved 2018-02-21.


^. Archived from on 2012-05-08. Retrieved 2018-02-05. ^ Butts, Steve (2004-08-16). Retrieved 2018-02-04. Retrieved 2018-02-20.

Archived from on 19 May 2007. Retrieved 2007-05-18. ^ Butts, Steve (2004-11-02). Retrieved 2018-02-04.

^. Retrieved 2018-02-04. Axis and Allies team (2004-11-01).

Retrieved 2018-02-22. ^ Gunn, Mike (November 2004). Archived from on 2007-05-03.

Retrieved 2007-05-18. ^ Butts, Steve (2004-10-07). Retrieved 2018-02-22. The Unofficial Axis & Allies Megasite. Retrieved 2018-02-20. The Unofficial Axis & Allies Megasite.

Retrieved 2018-02-20. The Unofficial Axis & Allies Megasite. Retrieved 2018-01-31. The Unofficial Axis & Allies Megasite. Retrieved 2018-01-31.

^ Hadley, David (May 2007). Archived from on 2007-07-15. Retrieved 2007-05-18.

December 2012. Archived from on 2013-02-06.

Retrieved 2013-02-17. The Unofficial Axis & Allies Megasite. Retrieved 2018-01-31. The Allied campaign begins with the ' (1942) and the Axis campaign begins with the mission ' (1941).

The player must complete the primary objective of 'Capture Moscow before Japan' to advance in the campaign. ^ Wingard, Justin (2004-10-29). Retrieved 2018-02-04. Retrieved 2018-02-21. Retrieved 2018-02-21.

^. Retrieved 2018-02-23. ^.

Archived from on 2011-05-25. Retrieved 2016-07-08. Retrieved 2018-02-21. Gunn, Mike (2004-11-23). Archived from on 2005-09-10. Retrieved 2018-02-21. Retrieved 2018-02-21.

^ Chick, Tom (2004-11-08). Archived from on 2009-01-02.

Retrieved 2018-02-21. Archived from on 2006-03-22. Retrieved 2018-02-21. Breeden, John. Game Industry News. Archived from on 2006-01-09. Retrieved 2018-02-21.

Axis And Allies Pc Game

Game Chronicles. Retrieved 2018-02-21.

^ Stavros, Chris (2004-11-19). Retrieved 2018-02-22. Adams, David (2004-11-02). Retrieved 2018-02-22.External links Wikiquote has quotations related to:. on. on.

on. (archived 2012). (archived 2007, dead landing page).

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